Monday, September 8, 2008

I am hard at work trying to get my user group up and running. Am also working on a presentation to hopefully give at Code Mash. Have been really busy trying to juggle life, school, and work. Brian Prince is also giving a presentation at Itt-Technical Institute September 9th @ 6pm. I am sure it will be a great presentation you shouldn't miss it. Well back to work you all have a great day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hard at work!

Still working on getting my user group up and running. Have been working on creating my logo in 3Ds Max. Should have it done in the next day or so. Totally excited about everything that is going on. Have had conversations with various students here at ITT-Tech and all are excited about the up coming user group. Hopefully this all pays off!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Up in comming

I have so much to do, where to start. I am getting a user group together, The deadline I have set for myself is the end of next month. It will be dedicated to students in the IT field to talk with professionals, and each other to answer questions on the up coming technologies. I already have a domain name picked out that is not taken, and also have my name and logo idea. I am also getting together a give camp to be done early spring of next year. I have already talked with my school chair about giving to a charity that he is involved with to help build an application that allows the parent of a hearing impaired child to hear what that child hears. I am also talking with my friends at on including St. Jude's, and looking into a 3rd charity as well. I do hope everyone stays in touch and we can really get this off the ground.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


A friend of mine is hosting a site which is a non-profit organization, donating to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Please check it out. It is a great organization who's heart is in the right place. The site is a way for gamers to give back to the community. They host live pod casts, answer tech. questions, and much more. Again at least look it can't hurt.


Attended devlink this weekend. It turned out to be the best technological decision I've made. I learned so much, for instance, I attend ITT-Tech and have taken Visual Basics using Visual I did not know, however, that that is not .NET. .NET actually has its own framework, and when people ask if you have worked with .NET they are actually asking about the framework, not Visual Studio. That is something that programmers at my school for one need to know and two would probably be happy to know. I met so many intelligent people, thank you to Brian Prince for introducing me to the community, and thank you to everyone else at devlink for making me feel so welcome. I am going to set up a user group here in nashville, and when I get all set up, will host a meeting, at which i will need speakers. If anyone is interested let me know and I will email you with details as soon as I get them all together. I also am going to try and host a give camp sometime, probably in the early spring. Finally I do hope to be able to attend CodeMash this winter! Again thank you to everyone this weekend it was wonderful. Now to go set up my usergroup...